Friday, 27 April 2007

Knut the Polar Bear

This cute little polar bear has grabbed the attention of the world, me included, after some parties called for it to be put down due to its mother abandoning it. How heartless are these people!

As it states on Youtube, "This is the first polar bear which was born in Berlin Zoo after 30 years! Knut is a twin, but his brother died 4 days after birth."

See for yourself this amazing story...

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Daylight saving rocks!

I miss daylight saving already. Getting home at 630-7pm and for it to still be daylight was awesome. You could get home from work safely, not walking in the dark, go to the park for a run or play some sport and you just had a sense of feeling that the day was still young and you could do things before the darkness hit.

Whereas during the next few months, I board my train from the city and its already dark! I get home at 630pm and its pitch black dark, it really sucks. You get home and you now feel like the day is done. Dinner, shower and before you know it the street is quiet as due to most people going to bed already. Its strange that if it was 8pm and still light you would feel so alive and do so many things before bedtime yet at a dark 8pm you just feel like sitting back on the computer or watching TV thinking that its just another day passed.

However in good news for daylight saving lovers, I read in the paper the other day that our next daylight saving season which I believe is due to start in October, will now be extended by one month! Three weeks earlier and one week extra at the end, or was it the other way around?!